Payment Method
1. We accept Paypal or credit card payment.
2. PayPal is a easier payment method, it is safer and faster and makes our business easier. You can also pay for your order with your credit or debit card directly without a Paypal account.
Without a Paypal account. Please refer to the following steps: Choose the item you interested - Add to cart-Check out/Buy it now - Continue to shipping - Continue to payment - Paypal-Pay with Debit or Credit Card - Choose your region and fulfill your card info (Supports support Visa, Master, Discover, and American Express etc.) - Fulfill your billing address and set it as shipping address - Leave your contact info-Continue (Do not tick to create a PayPal account if you don’t need one) - Done.
Already have a Paypal account. Just log in your Paypal account and finish the payment.